Monday, August 17, 2009

You are invited!!!

covenant evangelical free church presents a special talk show cumconcert-style, 31st anniversary celebration event.

All are welcome! Free Admission.
Sunday 30th August 2009
10am - 12pm suntec convention halls 601-602

Don't we wonder what life would be like if we had money (lots of it) and fame?
Hear the reallife, behind the scenes stories of people who have been there and done that ...
and find out how life has changed for them.

Talkshow-concert Highlights:

  • Hosted by Lina Ng and Clement Chow
  • Big band music by Clement & Windworkz
  • Life Story of Datuk Edward Ong: Money - Not enough
  • Guitar Performance by international musician Benny Prasad
  • Live Performance and Life Story of Hagan Tan
  • Message by Prof Freddy Boey: Getting Really Rich
  • Children's Programme by Derrick Lee: Magic Show

Please do not hesitate to accept the invitation. Come and experience the great God who transforms life ...

Saturday, August 8, 2009


44th Birthday


May the Leaders and people live a life

that is full of wisdom & courage, righteousness,

and integrity....

and they will be compassionate and gracious

to one another,

and they are able to face up to

new challenges everyday!

cheers :)
Upcoming yf programmes

dear yfers,
consider to have fellowship with one another, carry one another's burden, encourage and build up one another, so as to live a life that is worthy of our Lord.

9-aug, campfire sharing (exco)
16-aug, bible study
23-aug, CDW
30-aug, equipping session : evangelism part 1

6-sep, YF outing (exco)
13-sep, bible study
20-sep, equipping session: evangelism part 2
27-sep, CDW

Look out for the publicity and registration for the year-end camp.
UB8 for all teenagers aged bet 12+ and 20+.
Date : 7-10 Dec 09 (Mon to Thu)
Venue: to be confirmed
Speaker: Rev Jasper

Come and join us. Let's get together and know one another better!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Victories Along The Way
Text: Numbers Chap 21

Numbers 21 is almost as if God is giving a reboot to the nation of Israel. God was teaching the new nation that when they trust Him...

A. There are no Ultimate Defeats (vv1-3)
1. The last time they encountered Hormah was at Num 14:39-45. There they were soundly defeated by the Canaanites. So Hormah came to symbolise failure and defeat.

2. The people learnt to trust God - they cried out to Him for help (v2) and in doing so, God turned what was formerly a place of defeat into a hallmark of His victory (v3).

B. There are no Meaningless Detours (vv4-20)
1. The people complained because they were made to detour Edom. God used a seemingly meaningless detour to surface unfinished business in His people's lives so that He could deal thoroughly with them. Subsequent to this episode, the people learnt their lesson and no longer complained.

2. God also used the solution of this episode (i.e. looking at the bronze serpent) to point proleptically to what his son would do for all mankind in the future (Jn 3:14-15).

C. There are no Insurmountable Difficulties (vv21-35)
1. The Amorites represented what the previous generation considered as unconquerable (Num 13:28-29).

2. This new generation learnt that when they trust God fully there are no insurmountable difficulties.

God is able to turn our past defeats into present victories, give meaning to our moments and help us conquer seemingly unconquerable difficulties when we trust Him fully.